The purpose of Science Storiented is to disseminate scientific knowledge in an educational and entertaining manner. As such, while reading through this blog you will encounter an eclectic mix of serious science, funny and/or educational science videos, the occasional infographic, and general geekology references that we scientists find poignantly true. As a general rule, I try to avoid the topics of politics and religion even as they may pertain to science. I do not post papers authored by people that I know so as to avoid bias. Also, I try to present an article as it is and not as I wish it to be. This doesn't mean that I won’t occasionally dust off my soapbox and climb up on it for a good rant, but I’ll usually wave a warning sign before that happens.
I'd like to take this time to encourage you to leave comments. If you have something to say about a paper, comic or infographic, or video then leave your comment. Who knows, it may be the seed for an interesting discussion. I encourage educated, informative, interesting, witty comments, not trolling or spamming. Consider these:
NPR's story "Preserving Science News In An Online World"
Coker, Brent L.S. (2012) Seeking the opinions of others online: Evidence of evaluation overshoot. Journal of Economic Psychology: 33(6), 1033-1042. (DOI: 10.1016/j.joep.2012.06.005)
Brossard, Dominique and Dietram A. Scheufele (2013) Science, New Media, and the Public. Science: 339(6115), 40-41. (DOI: 10.1126/science.1232329)
I'd also like to take this time for a little shameless self-promotion. There are so many ways to follow Science Storiented! If you like my blog then please consider becoming a member, liking it on Facebook, getting updates through e-mail or RSS feeds, leaving comments, or sharing posts. You can find all of these links along the right side of the blog, or you can click the logo below. When I see those page hit numbers go up I feel the love, and they help me to identify what types of posts interest you most. Also, if you like my blog then send it along to your friends!

And now for the fine print…
Science Storiented is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. That means that you are welcome to use the content and images from my blog for non-commercial purposes as long as you give the proper credit and link back to the original content. It also means that you are not allowed to alter images, remove water marks, or claim images as your own. Just remember to give credit where it is due both to text and images.
I try to be vigilant and cite and/or link all sources, including images, but mistakes do happen. If I have used content and not cited it then please email me so that this error can be corrected.
© Science Storiented 2011. All rights reserved.
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This policy is valid from 11 July 2011
This blog is a personal blog written and edited by me. This blog does not accept any form of advertising, sponsorship, or paid insertions. We write for our own purposes. However, we may be influenced by our background, occupation, religion, political affiliation or experience.
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About the banner...
While the banner for this blog is completely original in its construction, it does consist of images from other websites. Most of the images have been altered as little as possible, with the exception of removing a white background. But as they are, individually, original images I would like to give credit where credit is due.
The avatars on either side of the banner were created using the avatar generator in Yahoo.
The other images are as follows:
painted bunting -
butterflies -
bat -
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telescope -
flying squirrel - neurological
box turtle -
wallaby -
all others -
If you would like me to remove your image from the banner then please send me an email.