Space Monkey from Leo Burnett on Vimeo.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Treading Lightly

Here's the paper:
Horváth, G. et al. (2010). Reducing the maladaptive attractiveness of solar panels to polarotactic insects. Conservation Biology (DOI: 10.1111/j.1523-1739.2010.01518.x)
(image from
Ant Farms

A new study in The American Naturalist reports that these ants update the crops they grow over time. The authors compared the multigene phylogeny to the fossil phylogenies of attine ants as well as the phylogenies of associated fungal clades. Basically, they looked at the accumulations of mutations in short stretches of DNA to see when certain species or strains of ant and fungi emerged. The researchers discovered that the fungi were significantly younger than the ants. For example, leaf cutter ants (one of the best known farmers) diverged from their anty ancestors 12 million years ago, they are significantly younger than the corresponding ant genera. It was thought that the fungus that they cultivate would have to be older, evolutionarily speaking, so that the ants could aquire and domesticate it. However, the fungus these ants farm only arose only 2-3 million years ago. This time difference suggests that the ants are cultivating a new fungal strain, a strain which has been spread to other colonies throughout the ants' range.
The article:
Mikheyev Alexander S., Ulrich G. Mueller and Patrick Abbot (2010) Comparative Dating of Attine Ant and Lepiotaceous Cultivar Phylogenies Reveals Coevolutionary Synchrony and Discord. The American Naturalist: 175, E126–E133. (DOI: 10.1086/652472)
Baby Feathers
It seems that quite a few stories from Nature caught my attention this week. This is another story about dinosaurs, specifically feathered dinosaurs. Not about a new species, their ecology, or their behavior, but rather about the development of feathers.
Two 125-million year old Similicaudipteryx specimens have been recovered from the Lower Cretaceous Yixian Formation of western Liaoning in China. Similicaudipteryx belongs to the group of dinosaurs known as oviraptorosaurs (egg-stealing dinosaurs). The specimens show the dinosaur species in two stages of development - early adulthood and juvenile. The adult has pennaceous or contour wing and tail feathers which resemble a quill pen and are mostly similar in size. The juvenile has longer tail than wing feathers which both have a flat, ribbon-like stem at one end and are pennaceous at the tip. This is the first time that juvenile dinosaurs have been found to have different types of feathers than adults, a transition that we do not observe in modern birds. Other scientists have suggested that the juvenile feathers may be from a moulting phase. The paper's authors explain that if this is the case you would expect the ribbon-like part of the feather to be shorter. They continue on to suggest that the juvenile's partially-pennaceous feathers may be the result of delayed gene expression, expression that is activated early in the life of modern birds.
The Nature article:
Xu Xing, Xiaoting Zheng and Hailu You (2010) Exceptional dinosaur fossils show ontogenetic development of early feathers. Nature: 464, 1338–1341. (DOI: 10.1038/nature08965)
(Full Text -- if you have access, it includes some really great photos and diagrams)

The Nature article:
Xu Xing, Xiaoting Zheng and Hailu You (2010) Exceptional dinosaur fossils show ontogenetic development of early feathers. Nature: 464, 1338–1341. (DOI: 10.1038/nature08965)
(Full Text -- if you have access, it includes some really great photos and diagrams)
Icy Asteroid

Why the water is there, or how it got there in the first place, is still unclear. Think about an asteroid for a second. Picturing a dry, rocky object in space? You aren't alone. Asteroids are widely viewed as being very dry, especially compared to, let's say, comets. Long-range comets (those coming in from the Kuiper Belt in extremely long and often elliptical orbits around the Sun) contain a lot of water but with a different isotropic signature than water found on Earth, and so they are an unlikely source of Earth's water. In 2006, small comet-like objects with tails were discovered in the asteroid belt and dubbed "main-belt comets," and its this set of objects to which 24 Themis belongs. This asteroid, or main-belt comet, belongs to a set of asteroids that is thought to have formed as a result of a large impact from a larger body, suggesting that the original object contained ice. This has implications for our theories on solar system evolution and planet formation. If this ice-on-asteroid phenomenon is relatively widespread then it is likely that ice was more prevalent in the Main Belt region of the early solar system than previously thought. If you expand this idea to other solar systems and extrasolar planets then water/ice may be more abundant than we thought. And, although that might be a stretch based on a sample size of one, it is an interesting direction to look in. Also, we can't ignore the idea that the asteroid may be from Kuiper belt and was knocked into the inner solar system or arrived there when the gas and ice giants migrated their orbits. Future observations and research will work to determine whether the composition of 24 Themis is typical of the asteroids in this region and if the water on these rocky objects is the same as that found on Earth.
Read more on this discovery at:
(image from -- credit NASA/JPL -Caltech)

Soil microbes are extremely abundant in most ecosystems around the world. The most numerous of these microbes are bacteria followed by actinomycetes then fungi, soil algae, cyanobacteria, and protozoa. For the purposes of this post I am not including the diverse set of animals that live in soils such as nematodes, microarthropods, earthworms, larger insects, etc. Soil microbes are extremely important in the cycling of the soil nutrients carbon (C), nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and sulfur (S). They can regulate the quantities of nitrogen available to plants (think natural fertilizer), and are hugely important in recycling nutrients tied up in organic materials. Many of the soil microbes require organic carbon compounds to oxidize for energy (microbial or soil respiration, usually expired as CO2) and the building materials for their cells. Some microbes get this carbon from CO2, but much of this carbon is collected through the decomposition of organic materials. Soil respiration is known to be affected by such factors as temperature, soil moisture, and nutrient availability.
Naturally, the high abundance of soil microbes and their release of CO2 through respiration has caused many scientists to take a special interest in this system and how it relates to global climate change. It stands to reason that even a few degrees of warming will shift these microfauna into overdrive, increasing the atmospheric CO2. However, this new research shows that, in a warmer environment, soil respiration increases for a short period of time, but if the higher temperatures remain constant, the less efficient use of carbon causes the microbes to decrease in number. This decrease in number decreases soil respiration (decrease in CO2 "exhaled" from soils). The microbes get overheated and "burned out," if you will.
These results contradict some of the results in older models which assume microbes will stay at constant numbers or increase; older models usually do not include enzyme production/activity which is sensitive to temperature and important in the reactions that break down organic carbon. When you get down to the mechanism, its all about how efficiently the microbes can use soil organic carbon. If they are less efficient then populations decrease. If they stay efficient, or adapt to remain as efficient or more so (and remember that microbes can adapt very quickly), then respiration/CO2 emission will stay the same or increase.
Read more here:
Allison Steven D., Matthew D. Wallenstein and Mark A. Bradford (2010) Soil-carbon response to warming dependent on microbial physiology Nature Geoscience: published online (DOI: 10.1038/ngeo846)
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Monday, April 26, 2010

Iron is a source of food for phytoplankton.
Phytoplankton absorbs atmospheric carbon dioxide.
Phytoplankton is eaten by krill.
Krill is eaten by baleen whales.
Baleen whales excrete iron in their feces.
For a while, it has been suggested that whale poo contained high amounts of iron, but this is the first study to confirm that suggestion. The study also showed that the krill the whales are feeding on (DNA testing of the poo confirms that it contains a lot of krill) also contains large amounts of iron.
Recent geoengineering proposals have called for adding soluble iron to the ocean to seed this phytoplankton growth in order to sequester carbon. One of the reasons it hasn't happened yet is concerns over the consequences this seeding might have on the ocean ecosystem (think massive algae blooms, etc). According to this study, whale poop is an all natural way to reach this goal. True, we could still add iron to the ocean and we would see phytoplankton blooms (and the resultant krill blooms) which would absorb carbon dioxide. But without an increase in baleen whale populations you would not have a natural control mechanism in place.
Stephen Nicol of the AAD believes that before commercial whaling reduced whale populations to the brink, baleen whale feces may have accounted for approximately 12% of the iron in the Southern Ocean. Before commercial whaling, it is estimated that baleen whales consumed about 190 million tonnes of krill per year and produced 7600 tonnes of feces. That's a lot of iron-rich poo. So it stands to reason that if we allow whale populations to recover to pre-consumer whaling numbers then greater amounts of carbon will be sequestered in the oceans, fighting global warming.
The article appeared in Fish and Fisheries:
Nicol, Stephen et al. (2010) Southern Ocean iron fertilization by baleen whales and Antarctic krill. Fish and Fisheries: published online. (DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-2979.2010.00356.x)
(image from
Walk This Way
This is another one of those odd studies that I like to throw in just for a laugh. Granted, its peer-reviewed and published, but wow...just wow.
The objective of this study was to deterimine if people, that is "appropriately trained sexologists," could infer a woman's history of vaginal orgasm just by looking at the way she walks. The researchers had women with known histories of either vaginal orgasm or vaginal anorgasmia (note: not the same as clitoral orgasm) walk normally on a street, and they videotaped this walking for later playback. Then sexologists (ignorant of the women's histories) judged these women as to their orgasmal history.
These appropriately trained sexologists were able to infer orgasmal history simply by watching these women walk (81.25% correct, with 2 false positives). The walk was judged based on its fluid, sensual, energetic, and free movements (apparently qualitative measures). The false positives were thought to be from women who have the capacity for vaginal orgasm but have not yet had experience with them, or have not yet met a man with the knowledge and/or anatomical attributes sufficient to induce one. Additionally, and here's where we get to the quantitative factors (kinda), the sum of the stride length and vertebral rotation was found to correlate with vaginal orgasm history. The authors explain this correlation by saying it "could reflect the free, unblocked energetic flow from the legs through the pelvis to the spine." Um, ok. The authors do point out that there is "a universe of possible unmeasured factors" that could play a role in these results including anatomical features that predispose a woman for vaginal orgasm, certain natural favorable or unfavorable pelvic movements, and confidence about sexual ability.

These appropriately trained sexologists were able to infer orgasmal history simply by watching these women walk (81.25% correct, with 2 false positives). The walk was judged based on its fluid, sensual, energetic, and free movements (apparently qualitative measures). The false positives were thought to be from women who have the capacity for vaginal orgasm but have not yet had experience with them, or have not yet met a man with the knowledge and/or anatomical attributes sufficient to induce one. Additionally, and here's where we get to the quantitative factors (kinda), the sum of the stride length and vertebral rotation was found to correlate with vaginal orgasm history. The authors explain this correlation by saying it "could reflect the free, unblocked energetic flow from the legs through the pelvis to the spine." Um, ok. The authors do point out that there is "a universe of possible unmeasured factors" that could play a role in these results including anatomical features that predispose a woman for vaginal orgasm, certain natural favorable or unfavorable pelvic movements, and confidence about sexual ability.
So, ladies, next time you walk down a street, add a little spring to your step or rotate your vertebra just so to let everyone know you have free, unblocked energetic flow through your pelvis.
Here's the article:
Aurelie Nicholas, Aurelie, Stuart Brody, Pascal de Sutter and François de Carufel (2008) A Woman's History of Vaginal Orgasm is Discernible from Her Walk. J of Sexual Medicine: 5(9), 2119-2124. ((DOI: 10.1111/j.1743-6109.2008.00942.x)
Here's the article:
Aurelie Nicholas, Aurelie, Stuart Brody, Pascal de Sutter and François de Carufel (2008) A Woman's History of Vaginal Orgasm is Discernible from Her Walk. J of Sexual Medicine: 5(9), 2119-2124. ((DOI: 10.1111/j.1743-6109.2008.00942.x)
(image from
Friday, April 23, 2010
Dino Eco

Scientists from McGill University have used data from the Paleobiology Database to look at the diversity of dinosaur species in North America, specifically from the Maastrichtian formations from 71 to 65 Ma, just before the major dinosaur extinction event. They were interested in alpha diversity (diversity within a particular area or ecosystem) versus beta diversity (diversity between ecosystems or along environmental gradients).
People tend to think that dinosaur fossils are abundant and wide-ranging. This isn't the case; fossils are actually relatively rare and patchy in their distribution. In community ecology, particularly diversity measures, sampling can make a big difference in the results, the more you sample and the more individuals you collect the better picture of the community you get. See where I'm going with this? However, there are ecological techniques to correct for this sampling bias (rarefaction, etc). The scientists in this study corrected for sampling bias by only considering four formations in the northwestern interior that each included more than 100 dinosaur specimens. They looked at the number of unique species at each site (unique meaning found in only 1 place), compensating for the unevenness in samples between sites, and used that to estimate the number of species missing from the fossil record.

Its a good start to piecing together the ecology of this era and something which can be updated as more data is collected.
Here's the PNAS article:
Vavrek, Matthew J. and Hans C.E. Larsson (2010) Low beta diversity of Maastrichtian dinosaurs of North America. PNAS: published online. (DOI: 10.1073/pnas.0913645107)
(second image from
Warning Sounds

Additionally, the researchers looked at these rattlesnakes in 19 different hibernacula (shared wintering quarters) at four regions of New York. Using microsatellite markers they tracked the dispersal patterns of these populations as they left their hibernacula, also tracking their reproductive patterns. They compared these data to the layout of roads and to natural barriers in the areas and found that the roads altered gene flow, effectively isolating these populations. These results were seen in each of the regions and were not affected by road type or age.
The article:
The article:
Clark, Rulon W., et al. (2010) Roads, Interrupted Dispersal, and Genetic Diversity in Timber Rattlesnakes. Conservation Biology: published online. (DOI: 10.1111/j.1523-1739.2009.01439.x)
p.s. Don't run over snakes with your car, its bad for the snakes and bad for the environment (not to mention its just plain mean).
Ring Ring

Read more here:
The journal article:
Edward R. Cook, et al. (2010) Asian Monsoon Failure and Megadrought During the Last Millennium. Science: 328 (5977), 486. (DOI: 10.1126/science.1185188)
and related to it:
Buckleya, Brendan M., et al. (2010) Climate as a contributing factor in the demise of Angkor, Cambodia. PNAS: 107 (15), 6748-6752. (DOI: 10.1073/pnas.0910827107)
(image from
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
What's in a name?

D. melanogaster has been used for over a century to study genetics. Thomas Hunt Morgan studied the fly in the early 20th century and was the first to discover sex-linkage and genetic recombination, earning him a Nobel Prize. His work, and the work of his students, solidified D. melanogaster as a model organism. This species is easy to obtain from the wild, small in size and easy to handle, is sexually dimorphic, has a short life cycle (10-12 days), is easy to rear in the lab, has fecund females, has a relatively small genome, and is relatively inexpensive to work on. Additionally, the entire genome has been sequenced and many of the genes identified, and there are a variety of mutants available to purchase for study. Exactly because of these reasons, and how much is known about this species, it is also being used in other fields such as behavior, development, neurobiology, biochemistry, and many others. Much of this research is directly related to human conditions and behaviors (are you listening Sarah Palin?).
However, a recent decision at the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature (ICZN) may reclassify this organism completely. There are about 1,450 species in the Drosophila genus, and the genus Drosophila is part of a larger family of flies called Drosophilidae. As it turns out D. melanogaster (and potentially some other Drosophila species) may actually be more closely related to Samoaia, Captomyza, or Hirtodrosophila. Should this name change happen, will scientists adopt the new terminology? Will we be calling the fly Sophophora instead of Drosophila? Will it be like Brontosaurus to Apatosaurus and Pluto the planet to Pluto the dwarf planet? Perhaps these name changes just take time to take hold.
Kim Van der Linde, one of the very scientists who opened the debate, has argued to keep the name Drosophila attached to the species. A proposal to the ICZN states that the appellation "Drosophila melanogaster" be preserved to prevent confusion in the scientific literature, but that other species in the Drosophila genus be renamed/reclassified as they are less influential.
I can't really say that I completely disagree with her reasoning. I also recognize that, in the age of computers, the titles of already-published papers do not need to be changed, only a new tag added so they can be easily searched. Also, while D. melanogaster is the most widely used of the Drosophila species, to say that the other species are less influential ignores the thousands of studies that research these other species and even compare them to D. melanogaster. In fact, many (if not most) fly labs raise more than one Drosophila species.
Regardless of the name change this little fly will remain a giant in its field.
Here's more on the topic:
Oh, and check these out because they are fantastic!!:
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Can I get yer number?

Social psychologist Alison Lenton and economist Marco Francesconi have conducted a study to try to figure out why and how we choose potential mates. Their experiment of choice -- speed dating. Think about it, it makes sense. A situation where you have to make decisions about whether or not you want to see someone again based only on a few minutes of conversation. The study consited of 84 different speed dating events in the U.K. that included a total of 1,868 women and 1,879 men. These men and women had between 3 and 5 minutes to talk to each other and decide whether or not they wanted to see someone again, a single individual talking to 15 to 35 people in a night.
You would think that people would pick out a date based on what they think they want, but the researchers found that the number of choices is what matters. They found that the more people an individual had to choose from the more likely it was that the men and women would make judgements about a person based on their appearance. So the environment itself is also a factor in decision making. At the larger events the pattern became more pronounced, as more potential matches were presented to a person, the more likely they were to decide based on appearance. The pattern was still there in the smaller events, but the participants were more likely to take the effort to get to know potential dates.
Of course, we are only talking about snap decisions --- the you're-hot-or-you're-not response. I can argue that that serves a purpose, after all you don't want to date someone you are not attracted to initially, but to make real connections people need to have real experiences with each other, become friends.
The take home message? Given a choice, people go for the hotties.
You're shocked, I can tell.
The NPR report including a link to the Morning Edition audio:
(image from
Monday, April 19, 2010
Bottom Feeders

A new article, the April issue of Ecology, describes what happens in the deep sea ecosystem when surplus food drops in. Typically, deep sea animals survive on the dead and decaying matter that sinks from above, which is not as much as you may think. The researchers in this study sent a Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) down into the deep waters off of the California coast known as Monterey Canyon (northeast Pacific Ocean). This area receives additional food sources in the form of nutrient-rich sediments that slough off the canyon walls. The ROV took video and soil/mud cores of the canyon floor and walls.
The cores from the canyon floor contained nearly 200 species, but as the cores got closer to the walls there were fewer and less diverse species. Odd, especially since the walls of the canyon have more nutrients than the floor. So what causes this habitat heterogeneity?
Closer to the walls there are larger numbers of bigger, mobile animals such as crabs, urchins, sea cucumbers, starfish, etc. These larger animals consume much of the available food. This has major consequences for the smaller animals that depend on those resources, decreasing their numbers by almost half. So, in some cases, more food is not always better, especially if you are small.
Here's the Ecology article:
Craig R. McClain, James P. Barry (2010) Habitat heterogeneity, disturbance, and productivity work in concert to regulate biodiversity in deep submarine canyons. Ecology: Vol. 91, No. 4, pp. 964-976. (DOI: 10.1890/09-0087.1)
Cobra Attack
The cobra's hood, very cool. But how does it work? A study in the Journal of Experimental Biology takes a look at just that.
Cobras belong to the Elapidae family of snakes. This is a family of venomous snakes which are found in tropical and subtropical regions around the world. Skeletally, the bones in the hood of the cobra evolved from ribs and the associated muscles evolved along with them. Scientists have taken a look at the cobra's defensive display, the "hood flare," and measured the electrical activity coming from the snakes' hood muscles to tease out which muscles are involved in the movement. This experiment found 8 muscles involved in the hood flare. Interestingly, these muscles are also present in non-hooding snakes. The muscles and the nervous system's control over them have evolved to spread the snake's hood. While this research was mostly identifying the muscles themselves, further research will delve into the evolution of these muscles in various snake species.
Here's the story:

Here's the story:
Friday, April 16, 2010
Boob Job

There is experimental evidence (based on questionnaires) that show that men find female breasts visually attractive. (Would it be appropriate to add a "Duh" here?) A relatively new study titled "Eye Tracking of Men's Preferences for Female Breast Size and Areola Pigmentation" examined how men make these visual judgements. The researchers used eye-tracking technology to test if men visually fixated on larger breasts, and for how long, and if areolar color altered male attention.
The results? Well, I think a friend of mine said it best: "Groundbreaking science - men like boobs."
Results of the experiment showed that men rated medium and large breasts as more attractive than small breasts. They also rated dark and medium areolar pigmentation as more attractive than light. Not surprisingly, breast size had no effect on visual fixation. Basically, if there were boobs to look at, men looked at boobs.
Here's the link:
Sexy Algae

A new study in the journal Science takes a look at Volvox carteri, a multicellular green algae, for the answer to that very question. The authors of the paper compared the sex determining region of V. carteri to that of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, a unicellular algal relative. They found that this region differed dramatically between these species. The expansion of this region allows for a greater diversity of genes which code for the production male and female gametes. The gametes of C. reinhardtii look identical, but those of V. carteri are distinctly different (egg and sperm).
The mating locus genes of the two species share many genes, but V. carteri's region is almost five times larger, mainly due to additional genes under the control of either male or female programs. Some of these new, additional genes have counterparts in C. reinhardtii that have nothing to do with sex. V. carteri has taken these genes, incorporated them into the mating locus, and started using it in its sexual reproductive cycle. Specifically, the mating locus gene MAT3 has evolved a new role in sexual differentiation, likely a role in controlling cell division and male/female reproductive development.
Future research will involve Gonium, an evolutionarily intermediate species between Volvox and Chlamydomonas. This intermediate will allow researchers to take a look at those in-between steps in the evolutionary process to better understand how this evolutionary change occurred.
Here's the Science article:
Ferris, Patrick et al. (2010) Evolution of an Expanded Sex-Determining Locus in Volvox. Science: 328 (5976), 351. (DOI: 10.1126/science.1186222)
(image from
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Thar She Blows!

The volcano spewed forth small, jagged pieces of rocks, minerals and volcanic glass the size of sand and silt. These particles could cause engine failure in aircraft, harm the plane's frame, dangerously heat up and pit its skin, scratch the windshields, and decrease visibility for pilots. Jet engines, in particular, need to "breathe" air to be heated before being expelled out the back to create forward thrust; The gases and particulate matter choke the engines by expunging the oxygen the engine needs to operate and generally gumming up the works.
On a more sciency, and slightly more depressing note, the last time this volcano erupted it lasted for more than a year (Dec 1821 - Jan 1823). As if that weren't bad enough, if the lava from the Eyjafjallajokull volcano melts the glaciers that hold down the top of neighboring Katla then that one could erupt too. The combined spewing of gases and ash would potentially cause an extended change in weather for Europe and the U.S. This is still speculation and what-ifs at this point, but its still a possibility.
Here's the story with a video:
(image from
Science of Pain
I'm posting this video more because its funny than because it is science related. But, as this is a science blog, we can just call it "Behavioral indicators of pain in adults: A study of Brazilian bikini wax patients."
Sorry Big Brother

Read more here:
Monday, April 12, 2010
Viral Load

Here it is:
Volcanic Venus

Planetary scientists from NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) have taken a look at three of these hot spots using the Visible and Infrared Thermal Imaging Spectrometer (VIRTIS) on the European Space Agency's Venus Express, still in orbit. Using VIRTIS, the scientists found that the hot spots radiate more heat than the rest of the planet, and were able to infer that the hot spot flows are still pretty fresh an unweathered. Calculations of the flow ages range from a few million years down to 2500 years (young when we are talking planetary history), and the researchers suggest that they are slow, steady outpourings.
Here's the story:
and a NYT article including video:
New Australopithecus

Here's the report with lots more details and a video:
The articles: (DOI: 10.1126/science.1184944)
and (DOI: 10.1126/science.1184950)
Sushi Love

Get more information about the encoded enzymes and their actions here:
The Nature article: (DOI: 10.1038/nature08937)
(image from
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Mr. Roboto

A research team out of UC Berkeley has developed software that allows a robot to look at a big, jumbled pile of various towels it had never seen before and then take those towels and fold them into neat stacks. The key to this is the "never seen before" part as robots usually need to have seen an object to recognize an object. Essentially, its all geometry, except that, in the case of cloth, you are dealing with a flexible material that, in the eyes of the robot, form multiple shapes depending on how it is held. The new software uses a grasp point detection algorithm to detect the corners of the cloth to help the robot fold it correctly. This is a method that serve as a platform for helping robots "understand" a variety of materials, rigid and flexible.
Here's the story:
(image from

Six atoms of this new element were produced by smashing calcium and berkelium together in a particle accelerator. Once the experiment has been replicated and confirmed, the new element will receive its name. At the moment, it is being referred to as ununseptium, a reference to its atomic number, 117. An atomic number refers to the number of protons (subatomic, positively charged particles) in the nucleus of an atom; The number of neutrons can vary. Out of the six atoms created, five contained 176 neutrons, the remaining had 177.
Data from this experiment supports the hypothesis that newly created atoms will become heavier and heavier until they reach a more stable, longer-lived state. This "island of stability" is, and has not been, seen among many artificially created elements which have short, unstable life spans (high decay rates). Stable atomic nuclei occur when the outermost shells of protons and neutrons are filled. Some theories project the center of this "island of stability" to be at 184 neutrons and either 120 or 126 protons. This new element is one more step toward this island and, likely, one more square on the periodic table of the elements.
The NYT article:
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Cocky Release

The release of the cockatoos coincides with the Great Cocky Count (I love the names Aussies give stuff!) across Perth which maps out the birds' 130 preferred roosts. The Carnaby's Black-Cockatoo is endemic to the south west of Western Australia and it is estimated that only 40,000 birds remain in the wild.
Just a fluffy (or downy, I guess), heartwarming story. Coo.
Here's the link:
(image from
In Plane Sight

The Solar Impulse is a prototype airplane that made its first real flight today. The plane runs entirely on solar energy, deriving said energy from 12,000 solar cellsthat power four 10-horsepower motors. This new machine has a wingspan of 208 feet and weighs only 3,500 pounds. The flying time was 87 minutes at an altitude of just under 4,000 feet. The ultimate goal is to circumnavigate the globe, but this is a good first step, especially considering that it only got 3 feet off the ground for 1/4 of a mile back in December. Future testing will include night flights -- fly to higher altitudes during the day, trading altitude for airspeed, and supplementing with battery power. These night flights will hopefully help the plane make its trip around the world in 2012.
Read the story and see more pictures here:
Pet Protection

Now, 70% of Swiss voters have rejected a proposal that will provide state-funded lawyers to represent animals in court when trying cases of animal cruelty. This isn't exactly a new idea, certain high up politicans in the U.S. have proposed similar things. Needless to say, nothing has been passed. My opinion? Its a not-in-my-backyard or keep-out-of-my-wallet type of proposal. A majority of people are against animal cruelty (otherwise reality pet police shows wouldn't be so popular), but no one wants to pay for the legal expertise to punish the offenders.
Get the scoop here:
Sweet Ride

The TopCultured site posted a story/photo gallery of "25 Awesome Lawn Mowers." Their awesomeness, or ridiculousness, factor I will leave to you to judge.
See the mowers here:
Creative Computer Creations

Here's a link:
New Giant Lizard

The article in Biology Letters: (DOI: 10.1098/rsbl.2010.0119)
The NPR article:
Monday, April 5, 2010
Long Range Tree Sperm

As of this weekend the pollen is out in force. Published online in the American Journal of Botany is a new study about the long distance dispersal and germination abilities of pine pollen.
The loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) is a commercially important forest species that grows over 60 million acres of the the southern United States. It is a rapidly growing tree that reaches a height of approximately 35 meters and has needles in bundles of three that measure 12-22 centimeters long. The male cones start shedding their pollen between February and April, the peak being reached in late March and early April.
The author of the article, Claire Williams, traveled between the North Carolina barrier islands and the mainland between 2006-2009. Her objective? Collect loblolly pine pollen that had been blown far offshore to see if it could still germinate. Williams and her colleagues used hand-held spore samplers, and they sampled from helicopters and ferries.
A majority of the pollen shed by the pine trees lands locally, but some catches the wind and can go surprising distances, up to 1800 miles. During that travel the pollen is exposed to the elements - extreme temperature, UV radiation, and moisture. The sampling found pollen 2000 feet up into the air and as far as 25 miles offshore. Of that pollen, 50% was still viable, distance was not a factor.
Viable long-distance pollen dispersal is a useful adaptive tool but can cause problems for agencies (like the USDA) that approve the use of transgenic trees. At present, transgenic trees are not planted but because of the commercially profitable nature of these trees it is a possibility they may be in the future. Studies like this show that tree DNA can become more widely spread than previously thought, potentially spreading transgenic traits such as drought tolerance and disease and pest resistance. A problem that increases with the age of the tree - a long lived species that produces more pollen the older it gets. The good news is that this long-distance pollen could potentially reach areas affected by climate change, increasing the gene pools and possibly the adaptability of some populations.
Here's the paper:
and a write-up:
Power Animals
Recently, my friends and I had a discussion about what would be our power animals. We didn't think of these.
Planet Spotting
Despite my claims in the previous Pac Man Moon story, I do occasionally go outside at night and look up at the stars (especially at big events like eclipses, comets, meteors, etc). If you do also, then you might find this story of interest.
Apparently, Mercury was at its closest and Venus at its brightest this weekend, but as I was coughy-sick I didn't walk the 10 steps out of my door to take a look. However, we have another chance to see these planets in action. They will be roaming around the sky through April 12th in the paths illustrated here:
If you like looking at planets then take a gander at Saturn and Mars on either side of the Leo constellation (how to find it: around 9pm when the constellation is at its highest. You shouldn't need binoculars or a telescope to see them.
Read more here:
Apparently, Mercury was at its closest and Venus at its brightest this weekend, but as I was coughy-sick I didn't walk the 10 steps out of my door to take a look. However, we have another chance to see these planets in action. They will be roaming around the sky through April 12th in the paths illustrated here:

Read more here:
So Quarky

In thinking about how to start this story I figured that an itty bitty lesson in particle physics was in order. Now, a word of warning: I'm not, and have never been, a particle physicist. At least not in this dimension. So I'm going to try and keep it simple for your sake, my sake, and the sake of the word count. Here's hoping it comes out intelligible:
In modern theory we have the Standard Model, a name given to the theory of fundamental particles and their reactions (we're talking all the stuff that makes up protons, neutrons electrons, etc.). This theory has been extremely useful the field of particle physics as well as other areas of study that use its principles. You've no doubt heard all the news hype about the Higgs boson, particularly in relation to the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). The Higgs boson is an additional, as yet theorized but undiscovered, particle that lends mass to these other, fundamental particles.
What other particles? I'm glad you asked. They are the fundamental building blocks from which all else is made. In the Standard Model there are 12 fundamental matter particle types (and, of course, their corresponding antiparticles). These 12 types are divided into 2 classes, of 6 particles each, called quarks and leptons (the 6 being 12 if you count antiparticles). Since this story talks about quarks in particular I just define those. Quarks are the constituents of hadrons such as protons and neutrons. Remember I said there were 6 types? They are up (u), down (d), charm (c), strange (s), top (t), and bottom (b). They experience all four of the fundamental forces (electromagnetism, gravitation, strong interaction, and weak interaction), although gravity is negligible at these scales, and are grouped into 3 generations. The first (and only to be found in nature) being up and down quarks, the second charm and strange quarks, and the third top and bottom quarks.
Hopefully, that made something resembling sense. My brain hurts and we are just getting to the story.
A team of physicists, using more computing power and simulations than we can probably conceive of, have calculated the masses of up quarks and down quarks. This new calculation is 20 times more precise than previous ones. It could be a big help to scientists working at facilities such as the LHC, not to mention other theorists who could incorporate it into the Standard Model (which treats quark masses as arbitrary). It is known that quarks are bound together by the strong interacting force (strong force), but this hold is so tight that you can't isolate one quark from another. So you can't measure the mass of a single quark. Particles that are made up of quarks are, as you would expect, even more complex. A proton has two up quarks and one down quark while a neutron has two down quarks and one up quark -- all held together by gluons (quark interactions or vector bosons). Oh yeah, and don't forget to add the quark-antiquark pairs that come into and out of existence. When you start adding things up, the valence quarks (those original 3) make up under 2% of a proton's mass. This is where the theorists step in.
Physicists have used an approach called lattice quantum chromodynamics (lattice QCD) that simulates these particles within a hadron by modeling it as a grid of points (a lattice). When you place the quarks and gluons on the grid and simulate their interactions you can calculate the masses of hadrons. In the past, this procedure lended a sizable uncertainty to the masses of the quarks. Here, the scientists were able to calculate the ratios of the charm-quark mass to the strange-quark mass and then combine this with another group of ratios of strange-quark mass to up-quark mass and down-quark mass. The resulting ratios were of a much smaller uncertainty (from 30% to 1.5%) than in the past. "The team finds that an up quark weighs 2.01 +/- 0.14 megaelectron-volts, whereas a down quark weighs 4.79 +/- 0.16 MeV. That’s 0.214% and 0.510% of the mass of the proton, respectively." More testing needs to be done to see if these results hold up, but this is undoubtedly an extraordinary achievement.
Whew...I need a drink...
Get more of the story here:
(image from

Well, an Argentinian research team expecting to find just that in fact found flamingos surviving on a diet of microorganisms (as yet unidentified) living in the lagoon. The scientists are working to identify the bacteria in hopes that these extremophiles may yield medical or commercial properties - such as UV resistance, enzymes that function in extreme conditions, antioxidants, etc. Getting away from the greedy money side of it, the discovery may also yield clues on the development of life on Earth - an environment with low oxygen, high UV, and high pH, all conditions found in the lagoon.
Check it out here:
(image from
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Mmmm...Brains!: Using Mathematics To Save Us On Z-Day

Updated and Expanded: 1-14-2014
In the science of the undead it's publish or perish, and rise to publish again. Make no mistake, the threat of zombies is real and Z-day is closer than you think. If caught unprepared you may wake up with a flesh-hungry, reanimated corpse on your doorstep.
But, realistically, can we use what we already know to examine a zombie outbreak?
Philip Munz, Ioan Hudea, Jo Imad, and Robert Smith? (yes, there really is a question mark in his name) wrote a book chapter in 2009 called "When Zombies Attack!: Mathematical Modeling of an Outbreak of Zombie Infection." This article models a zombie attack, using basic biological assumptions and equations currently used to examine the spread of infections such as HIV, malaria, and HPV. It also takes into account what we know (or think we know) about zombies: they are cannibalistic, they move in small, irregular steps (using the popular slow-zombie rather than the newer fast-zombie), they show signs of physical decomposition, and their bite changes a non-zombie into a zombie.
Munz et al.'s basic model considered three basic classes: susceptible, zombie, and removed. Susceptibles become deceased through natural, non-zombie-related causes but can become zombies through bite/blood transmission. As it suggests, the removed are those who have died via attack or natural causes. So, assuming a short time period where the birth rate is constant, zombies can only come from the resurrected or susceptibles, and zombies move to the removed class when they are defeated. Using these variables he was able to put together a simple model. Then things got more complicated, as models tend to do.
The authors took his basic model and ran it through different scenarios, adding parameters as needed. The first factors he looked at were mass-action incidence and random contact. These basic additions show a disease-free equilibrium to be unstable and a human-zombie coexistence to be impossible. Next, they revised the model to include a latent class of infected individuals which shows that although the zombies will still take over, it will take approximately twice as long. The next version of the model was run with a partial quarantine of zombies then there will be a slight delay in the time to eradication but, ultimately, the zombies still get us. Then the model was run assuming a cure has been found that allows a zombie to return to human form but does not offer immunity. In this case, humans are not eradicated, but only exist in low numbers. Better but still not great. Finally, they attempted to control the zombie population by strategically destroying them as Max Brooks suggests in his book World War Z - An Oral History of the Zombie War. This scenario assumes that it would be difficult to have the resources and coordination needed and so more than one attack would be needed resulting in an impulsive effect. This model found that after 2.5 days, 25 percent of the zombies destroyed; after 5 days, 50 percent; after 7.5 days, 75 percent; and after 10 days, 100 percent of zombies were destroyed. It is important to note that the time scale of this model is short. If the time scale of the outbreak increases then you get a doomsday scenario with a complete collapse of civilization, every human infected or dead. Essentially, if we can contain the outbreak initially and quickly then we can save our own asses (literally).
Next, consider Daniel Lakeland's Improved Zombie Dynamics model over at his Models of Reality blog. He builds on the above model, taking into account several factors that Smith?'s group did not include. Lakeland's model removes the short timescale, allowing the human population to grow at approximately 4.5 percent per year growth through a birth rate of 6.5 percent and a death rate of 2 percent. He also tackles the classification categories. Once a zombie is categorized as removed it can not be reanimated and therefore a special class of fully removed zombies should be required. Also in this fully removed category should go those human who died of natural causes too long ago to be zombified (basically, skeletons). Resurrection from the dead is assumed to be a relatively rare event, 1 percent per year, and rotting of the dead to be much faster, perhaps 5 percent per day. Any good model should also take human experience into account. Surviving humans have learned how to fight zombies and avoid zombification. Initially, the probability of a human winning a zombie fight is relatively low, about 0.1 percent, but then again the percentage of zombies starts out low too, about 1 in 10,000. But the zombie-killing learning parameter is quite large. Elite zombie killers, in particular, serve an important role in that they are most efficient, rapid, and effective in zombie eradication. However, this skill decays at approximately 1 percent per day in the absence of education. The lack of skill and readiness makes all the difference and causes the probability of a human victory to decline rapidly to zero. It is this, the education parameter, that Lakeland's model found to be most important. Reasonably large numbers of people should be at the very least vigilant with an elite force (perhaps 4/10,000 people) there to drop some zombies. So watch some zombie movies, ya'll.
Lakeland, D. (2010). Improved zombie dynamics. Models of Reality blog, 1 March.
Robert Smith?'s articles:
"A report on the zombie outbreak of 2009: how mathematics can save us (no, really)"
"What can Zombies Teach us about Mathematics?"
NPR interview with Robert Smith?: "Who Will Win In Human, Zombie War?"
CBC News Story: "Zombie Math"
Some other things to consider:
This unpublished paper by Andrew Gelman on a way to study zombies indirectly using surveys that don't risk the interviewers: "'How many zombies do you know?' Using indirect survey methods to measure alien attacks and outbreaks of the undead"
Blake Messer over at The Tortoise's Lens blog creates a model where looks at the Munz model and he takes into account that the humans who survive do so for a reason (they are stronger, faster, smarter, etc.) and the distribution of these people in a two dimensional landscape. Read his post called "Agent-Based Computational Model of Humanity's Prospects for Post Zombie Outbreak Survival"
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